Charging Solutions by Sector

We specialise in mobile charging for multiple sectors. On a purchase or rental basis, we can provide ‘stay and charge’ or ‘lock and leave’ units with standalone or integrated solutions to help keep your customers charged and connected.
Find out more about overcoming the challenges faced in your sector and the benefits ChargeBox solutions can provide:  


Delight customers, increase basket-size and boost conversion rates in-store


Delight customers, increase basket-size and boost conversion rates in-store


Reduce anxiety and provide a secure charging solution for students and staff

Aeroplane Travel & Transport

Support mobile ticketing initiatives, app usage and live updates


Keep visitors charged and engaged at your event or venue

Aeroplane  Corporate / Public Sector

Provide a charging service for staff, clients and other visitors


Drive sales through increased dwell time, basket size and conversion rate.

As well as reducing customer anxiety and improving the overall shopping experience, our charging solutions are proven to increase dwell time by an average of 104%, customer spend by 133% and basket size by 28%.


Allow event visitors to stay engaged and connected for the duration of their stay.

Increase brand awareness and deliver a first class experience.


Alleviate stress in waiting rooms and allow patients and families to stay connected in times of need.

Keep children occupied whilst waiting for appointments and increase staff productivity with no need to deal with charging requests.

Travel & Transport

Support mobile ticketing initiatives, app usage and live journey updates.

Allow passengers to stay connected and combat low battery anxiety. Drive footfall to retail spaces to increase customer spend.


Enhance your National Student Survey results.

Increase dwell time on campus, reduce anxiety, and allow students to study for longer and utilise University facilities.

Corporate & Public Sector

Enable clients, visitors and staff stay connected.

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What is Qi2 Wireless Charging?

Upgrading Your Event Experience With A Phone Charging Station